Weather / Climate in Kasauli
Kasauli has a pleasant climate all through the year. Summers (March to June) have cool nights and warm days with maximum temperature of 28℃ and a minimum of 14℃. Winters (November to February) are cold with snow falls occurring very rarely and temperature range is in between 5℃ to 14℃. Monsoons are pleasant with low rainfalls.
Summer Season in Kasauli:-
During summer temperature of Kasauli remains mild and ranges between 14 degree to 28 Degree. Travelers who want to visit Kasauli can carry light clothes like T- shirts, no sweater or jackets are required during this season. Its best time to visit Kasauli , a lots of tourist can be seen wandering here and there around the hill during this time. Having holidays with family in this season could be very relaxing with a lot of fun around.
Monsoon Season in Kasauli:-
Monsoon at Kasauli brings awesome experiences, chai pakora and tea used to get very famous at Mall road of Kasauli during this season. Temperature could drop down at the level of 10 degree and maximum it could come up at 25 degree. Mostly sweater are not necessary but temperature could fall to the level where light woolens may required. An umbrella is important to carry during this season.
Winter Season in Kasauli:-
During winters Kasauli weather brings its best out of it. Temperature may fall many times to the freezing level .Occasionally a lot of snow falls here, which makes chestnut and pine tree looks beautiful. Snow covered mountains of Shimla Hills could be seen from upper mall road. Temperature ranges between 5 degree to 14 degree. It is must to carry heavy woolens.
Irrespective of the reason behind your visit, be it business or leisure, as one of the top Kasauli travel agents, we have the ability to assist you in planning your itinerary or chart it out as per your requirements and wishes.We at providing the information of each and every thing related to Kasauli climate, Kasauli weather in summers, Kasauli weather in winters,monsoon season in Kasauli, snowfall season in Kasauli to see by which travellers can get help to plan their Kasauli yatra successfully.